Saturday, December 6, 2008

John Paschke (Paszk) Family

In 1881 John Paschke, began homesteading in Ardoch Township, Walsh County, North Dakota. John was born June 24, 1843, in West Prussia and was educated in German schools. In 1864 at 21, he immigrated to the United States. None of the other immediate members of his family followed him here. He settled in Winona, MN, shortly after that and was the proprietor of a saloon in Winona.

On Jan. 27, 1873, he was married in Winona to Juliana Jezewski. Julianna was born Dec. 14, 1854, in Germany. As a young girl she worked in a fabric shop in Berlin. A family acquaintance of hers asked for her assistance with their small children when they immigrated to the United States. She came with the family.

Julianna had at least two brother’s who came to the US, Andrew living in Winona and John living in Drake, ND in 1931.

Juliana first settled in Chicago, Ill. In later years she recalled experiencing the Oct. 8, 1871, big Chicago fire. During the fire those imprisoned in jails were released. Confusion reigned everywhere. The people of the city, fearful of the devastating fire gathered their possessions in bundles and awaited the alarm to flee from the blazing city on a minute’s notice.

Check 1875 census may have been in Buffalo, or Trempealeau, Wis

Practically no communication was exchanged by Juliana and her parents after she came to the states, yet in a few years they, too, looked to the ‘land of promise’ and set sail for the United States, settling in Winona. MN, Juliana soon joined her parents in Winona and it was there she was married to John Paschke, Sr.

1880 Census New Posen, Swift County, Minnesota

Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Self M Male W 40 PRU Farmer PRU PRU
Wife M Female W 30 PRU Keeping House PRU PRU
Joseph PASKI
Son S Male W 6 WI PRU PRU
Dau S Female W 4 WI PRU PRU
Francisca PASKI
Dau S Female W 11M MN PRU PRU

For a short time the Paschke’s lived in Winona, and then moved to Appleton, MN. Appleton, Minnesota is in Swift County and that is where I located them in 1880, but both older Children were born in Wisconsin. This may be in Trempleaueau County, Wisconsin across the river from Winona or in Buffalo Wisconsin where the Wirkus and Narloch families were from.
John Joseph is listed as being born in New Posen Township, Pine Creek, Wisconsin, but New Posen is in Swift County, Minnesota. In 1879 a group of Polish people, mostly from St Paul and Hastings, settled in New Posen (now Edison Township, Swift County, Minnesota).

As in most cases the grass yonder, or more specifically, in the neighboring state seemed greener; therefore, in 1881, they headed for Dakota with their four children, Joseph, Julia, Frances, and Theodore, nine months old. They settled on their Ardoch farm bordered by Lake Ardoch.

The wagon drawn by their two horses carried their meager possessions and the cow following the wagon was one of their special assets. The following year Mr. Paschke returned to Appleton to purchase another team of horses. He envisioned increasing his acreage and during his farming years acquired 1500 acres of land.

1885 State Census: Walsh County, North Dakota

Name Age (Birth) Relation Occupation Nativity ED
Pesk, John
42 1843 Farmer Poland 04-018-21
Pesk, Julia A. 32 1853 Poland 04-018-22
Pesk, Joseph 11 1874 MN 04-018-23
Pesk, Julia A. 9 1876 MN 04-018-24
Pesk, Francesca 7 1878 MN 04-018-25
Pesk, Theadore 5 1880 MN 04-018-26
Pesk, Cela 3 1882 Dakota 04-018-27
Pesk, Frank 3/12Mar Dakota 04-018-28

On the Ardoch homestead nine more children were born. Cecilia, Frank, who died in infancy. Isadore, Mary, Barbara, Martha. John, Jr., Susanna and Frank Leonard Of this family in 1975 there are two surviving daughters, Mrs. Frances Crystal of East Grand Forks, MN,, and Mrs. Martha Warczak, Grand Forks.
For many years Mr. Paschke served as a member on the local school board and was an active church member of St. Stanislaus Parish of Warsaw.
John and Juliana continued farming on their Ardoch homestead through lean and prosperous years. In 1921 Mr. Paschke retired from the farm and with his wife moved to Minto. Their son, John, Jr., and his brothers, had learned the art of cultivating the land from their father, and it was to John, Jr., that the homestead was entrusted.

On Dec. 8, 1932, Mr. Paschke died at Minto. Juliana continued to live in Minto until her death April 7, 1936. Both John and Juliana Paschke were buried at the Sacred Heart Cemetery in Minto, ND.

Children of Jan Paschke and Juliana Jezewski are:
1. Josef John Paschke, born Jul-5-1874 in New Posen Twp., Pine Creek, Trempealeau County, WS; died Feb-15-1936. He married Mary Aurelia Schultz Jun-19-1899 in St. Stanislaus Church, Warsaw, ND; born Mar-25-1884 in North Dakota; died Nov-4-1954.
2. Julia Paschke, born Jun-1877 in Poland. She married Jacob Schiller 1895; born Apr-1868 in Wisconsin.
3. Frances Paschke, born Oct-4-1878 in Appleton, MN; died Sep-7-1979. She married John Crystal Feb-11-1896 in Warsaw, ND; born Jan-3-1873 in Baruszynie, Germany; died Apr-8-1939.
4. Theodore Paschke, born Oct-29-1880 in Minnesota. He married Julianna (Gerszewski?).
5. Cecelia Paszk, born Nov-22-1882 in Ardoch Twp., Walsh County, North Dakota; died Jul-29-1968. She married Benedict Maszk Nov-19-1901 in St. Stanislaus Church, Warsaw, ND; born Dec-20-1879 in Pulaski Twp.; died Jan-1958.
6. Isadore Paschke, born Apr-4-1887 in Ardoch Twp., Walsh County, North Dakota; died Feb-16-1971. He married Elizabeth Eva Gerszewski Nov-24-1915 in St. Stanislaus Church, Warsaw, ND; born Nov-11-1893; died Nov-11-1975.
7. Mary Paschke, born Mar-1889 in Ardoch Twp., Walsh County, North Dakota. She married Dietrich.
8. Barbara Paschke, born Mar-1-1891 in Ardoch Twp., Walsh County, North Dakota; died 1969. She married Frank Czapiewski; born Dec-1884 in North Dakota; died Jan-1973.
9. Martha Paschke, born Oct-1893 in Ardoch Twp., Walsh County, North Dakota. She married Warczak.
10. John Paschke, born Oct-28-1895 in Ardoch Twp., Walsh County, North Dakota; died Apr-27-1966. He married Johanna Barbara Gerszewski Nov-15-1921; born May-23-1902; died Mar-1981.
11. Susanna Paschke, born Oct-1897 in Ardoch Twp., Walsh County, North Dakota; died Apr-1971. She married Dominik J. Gerszewski Nov-1919; born Jun-17-1888 in Ardoch Twp., Walsh County, North Dakota; died Mar-1983.
12. Frank Leonard Paschke, born 1900; died in infancy.

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