Simon married Magdelina Ossowska on March 24, 1859 in Wiele Parish, Poland.
Both Simon and Magdalena are listed as living in the Village of Ossowo. Magdalena’s last name is incorrectly indexed as Orlowska, but is Ossowska from the source Parish records.
On the marriage record Magdalena is listed as age 25, which wouldmake her born in 1834 and Simon as age 27. On other records Magdalena is shown as born between 1833 - 1837 in
Refering to the Pomerania birth index
Magdalena may be the daughter of Johann and Elizabeth Ossowski, born in Lubichowo Parish which is just east of Wiele.
From census records Simon may have came to America in 1871 or 1872 with 2 boys Frank & Max and 4 girls, although I have only been able to locate 3 girls born in Poland.
Simon is listed in the Winona papers in 1871 as having an unclaimed letter and on his Naturalization records as coming through the port of Baltimore in July of 1869. This means that Simon should be on the 1870 Census.
Simon’s children born in the United State are shown as born in Wisconsin and they were probably living in Trempeauleau or Buffalo County.
Simon may have had a brother Mike who was known in Winona as Mike on the hill(Yellow House) by Pine Creek and or Dodge(three miles from Pine creek) John may be son of Mike which may make Winona relationship to Warsaw Tandeski's.
There was another Tandeski family in Trempealeau, County, WS and Winona, MN whose original spelling was TANDECZKA, this was Casamir ‘Charles’ Tandeczka.
Simon came to the Dakota Territory in 1879 prior to the 1880 census, where he appeared with his wife Magdalena and childern.
Simon was on the 1880 Census Township 155, Walshville, Grand Forks, Dakota Territory
Simon filed for Naturalization to become a citizen of the United States on May, 21, 1880, in Grand Forks, North Dakota. Naturalization was requirement for filing land claims.
Naturalization Information was found in Bismarck, ND. Simon was born in Poland about 1832 Landed in Baltimore July 1869 and renounced Queen of Great Briton and Ireland on May 21, 1880, and signed Simon Tandecki "with excellent penmanship"
After moving to North Dakota and having had two younger girls. One married a Canadian named Francius and the other(Vincentianna) married a Martin Brom and returned to Pine Creek, Wisconsin. One of the girls moved to superior WI.
A Simon Tintecki from Poland is list on the 1885 mortality index as being murdered
This seems be Simon and the story goes that Simon started a freight hauling business and one day he was shot and killed in a robbery while returning home from Minto, ND after selling a load of grain. The team, wagon, and dog returned home with him. Another man of German descent was also shot and killed in the same manner. The elevator man was the suspected killer for a long time as he was the only person knew that Simon had the money. Some 20 years later, a man confessed to a priest on his death bed that he had killed two men under those circumstances. That man was Simon’s hired man.
Simon died Nov, 29, 1884, and was buried in the first Warsaw Cemetery and later moved to the existing one in St Stanislaus Church.
Simon’s family appeared the next year on the 1885 State Census: Walsh County, North Dakota
Paulina (Lena) was on the Census twice the second time living with the Carpenter family.
Magdalena died November 26, 1926 in Walsh County.
Children of Simon Tandeski and Magdelina Ossowski are:
1. Frank Tandeski, born December 28, 1859 in Wiele, Wiele Parish, Poland; died December 19, 1938. He married Josephine Kukowski 1890 in Walsh County, ND M1; born 1866.
2. Maximilian Joseph M. Tandecki, Sr., born October 14, 1862 in Wiele, Wiele Parish, Poland (Wielle, Konitz, West Prussia); died June 20, 1947. He married Josepha 'Josephine' Gornowicz 1890; born Bet. February 1869 - 1870 in Perham, Otter Tail Co, MN (Wisconsin); died March 18, 1950.
3. Josephinna 'Paulina' Tandeski, born April 1866 in Poland; died October 08, 1949 in Grand Forks, ND. She married Orville Reilly.
4. Julianna 'Julia' Tandeski, born January 1867 in Prussia; died April 29, 1926. She married Leonard Narloch 1890 in Walsh County, North Dakota; born April 07, 1862 in Wiele, Wiele Parish, Poland (Wielle, Konitz, West Prussia); died July 14, 1955.
5. Vincentina Tandeski, born February 1869 in Poland - imm at 3 months; died 1953 in Winona, Minnesota. She married Martin J. Brom 1888 in
6. Josephine (Ester) Tandeski, born Abt. 1873 in Wisconsin; died Aft. 1953 in Living in Winnipeg in 1953. She married Joseph F. Pelowski 1892 in Walsh County, North Dakota; born November 1869 in Trempealeau, Wisconsin.
7. Mary Tandeski, born June 01, 1876 in Pine Creek, Trempealeau County, Wisconsin; died August 1960 in Winona, Minnesota. She married Peter (SZYCA) Schultz August 21, 1906 in Dodge, Trempealeau County, Wisconsin; born 1878 in Wisconsin; died 1956 in
8. Frances 'Francisnna' Tandeski, born Abt. 1879 in Wisconsin; died in Winnipeg Manitoba.
Thanks to Ray Tandeski for help with the information